Meet The Crew - Chelsie Conger

Our fellow shop-mate Myles Keating sat down with Chelsie Conger to ask her some questions about what makes her stoked, what she does for SHELTER and most importantly what her spirit animal is.

Tell me about yourself..

I am a small town girl that grew up in Southern Oregon. I attended Oregon State University and met my [now] husband. Together we ended up moving to Bend to live for snowboard season while I continued to attend OSU at the Cascades campus. When snowboarding season ended we decided we couldn't be snow bums forever and eventually planted roots in the Portland area where I was able to finish up my double major degree in Marketing and Advertising at Portland State University. I got my first "big girl" job and realized I was far more creative than any 9-5 job would ever allow so I eventually split off and was able to start working with SHELTER where my talents and creative juices took off.  I love working with smaller businesses and helping them create their brands from the day one.

What is your role at SHELTER?

I feel like it is ever evolving. I will do anything for SHELTER as needed but most days you will find me writing blogs, shooting photos of projects, branding new companies, managing social media and creating collateral for not only SHELTER but all of our clients such as billboards, newspaper ads, signage, custom vehicle wraps, menus, coasters, hats.... you name it.

Favorite aspect at SHELTER?

Freedom to create. I left my desk job in search of something that would allow me to have zero constraints on my creative mindset. SHELTER has done just that for me. I am able to work from home, coffee shops, our van and across the globe while traveling and that for me makes me work harder and strive to do the best possible work.

How did you get here?

I took a plunge right before we got married and quit my marketing job at a real-estate company. I didn’t really have much lined up besides doing Hem 23's branding. So, I just started off designing that. Even before I actually quit my job, every time Todd did a restaurant (even though he was doing the branding at the time) I would just make my own logos and be like “put this one in, put this one in.” Haha, I don’t know if he ever did. I just always had a desire to create logos. I really enjoy doing all the branding because I can work from a computer and be able to work from the beach or anywhere around the world. 

Where does you inspiration develop from?

Definitely traveling 100%. I have to go somewhere new around every 3 months, otherwise I start to feel very bogged down. Its been cool to be able to brand all the restaurants because I take all the experiences of traveling to places such as Italy or Vietnam and I am able to input those experiences into the designs and main concepts behind the restaurants that we have the opportunity to brand and design. 

What is your spirit animal?

Monkey for sure. I make weird noises am always sitting on the ground or perched up somewhere and my husband would tell you I'm always picking on him hahaha.

Sunset or Sunrise?

Sunset. Simply because I am not a morning person. I cannot get up before 8:30 it seems like. Sunrises are beautiful, but I'd rather sleep in haha.

Favorite Pastime.

Travel is for sure number one. It's the one thing in life that makes me feel more free and alive. Getting to see new places and experience other cultures is what makes me tick and if I can grab a paddle board along the way that makes me pretty stoked as well. 

What is the best adventure you have ever been on?

My honeymoon would have to be one of the coolest experiences and adventures I've ever been on. We were able to get married in Cabo, Mexico and from there travel to Cancun, Rome, Amalfi Coast, Santorini, Athens, Bali, Australia and Oahu. It was so eye opening to see so many cultures and so inspiring to see all of the textures, colors and designs that are so versatile around the globe that in turn I am able to use in my designs.


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